Alkemia Tulips & Chimneys Oil was created by Sharra Lamoureaux and is described as Fresh tulips, Rainy aldehydes, Wet asphalt, Industrial engines, Toulouse violets, Mint pastels, Clove viburnum. This is probably one of my favorites from this indie brand
From the brand -
spring slattern of seasons you
have dirty legs and a muddy
petticoat, drowsy is your
mouth your eyes are sticky
with dreams and you have
a sloppy body
from being brought to bed of crocuses
When you sing in your whiskey-voice
the grass
rises on the head of the earth
and all the trees are put on edge...
-- e.e. cummings
This is the oil. It is also free of parabens, phthalates, PDGs and other unpleasant things. Alkemia is a hand-blended and small batch perfumery using natural essences, ethically rendered accords, and lab-created aroma molecules.
Too new for reviews