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Death and Floral Half Hoping to be Eaten by a Bear is Woody, sweet bare skin; the lingering scent of dry leaves on a cold morning.
Death and Floral perfumes are indie, small batch handmade, and cruelty free. This is a perfume oil.
Death and Floral Half Hoping to be Eaten by a Bear Reviews
Reddit - " To my nose this is a slightly more masculine equivalent to Glossier You, or what I wanted "skin" scents like Hexennacht's Loup-Garou and Alkemia's Ghost Fire to smell like. I think it's the lack of amber in this one that makes it a little less sweet and more realistic to me."
Indiescent Library - "Solid woody (+wet leaves -) base and the musk gives a softness to it, that makes it very easy to wear. The musk is like a fog in the woods enveloping the trees. Very good atmospheric and also a good one for those who don’t normally like atmospherics."
Reddit - "Y’all, this is my scent. This is my everyday, buy another full-size bottle before the first runs out (just in case), #1 skin-but-better scent. It smells like the forest in fall in a dry, cold way. There is no decay, greenness, or wetness here. It is all cedar, skin, and magic. It isn’t strong whatsoever, which is the only thing I could possibly fault it for. Yes, I am biased. No, I’m not sorry. Who do I imagine wearing this? Me, and I’ll hoard them all if they every stop being sold"
Reddit - "The skin musk comes out and it's literally as if you've been going on a hike through a pine forest. There's a sweeter undernote, almost like honey or the faintest whiff of vanilla. I think this is the perfect hiking scent. Especially if you're surrounded by pine trees. Once again, the pine straws overtake the bouquet. You're in a forest, specifically picking up something from the forest floor, possibly morrel mushrooms. The forest floor is slightly damp, which makes the earth more pungent. There's something wild to this scent. Untamed."