Ploughman features notes of well worn leather, dirt n' dandelions, carrot, a pinch of tobacco and a light sheen of feral skin musk. It is an eau de parfum, edp.
Haus of Gloi is owned by two vegans devoted to the lifestyle and their perfumes are highly concentrated fragrance blends of only the best absolutes, essences, essential oils and fragrance oils.
Indie Know: Can I be really silly for a moment? So when I first read the description for Ploughman, I had a healthy giggle. Between the leather, the "pinch" of tobacco, and the "feral musk" (whatever in the world is that?), my mind was conjuring visions of some sort of dandy farmhand depicted on the cover of a shlocky harlequin romance novel. (Disclaimer: I don't read harlequin novels, nor do I judge anyone who does!) "Maybe I can get my boyfriend to try this on when he visits." "But... then I'd have to wait a month for him to get here. I want to know what it smells like now." "Well I certainly can't go testing it on my DAD...ew." So one thing led to another (isn't that how it always goes in those harlequin romances too?) and I was trying out Ploughman for myself (tee hee). Which then eventually led to my purchasing a full-sized bottle. For myself. Backtracking for a bit: Ploughman is marvelously unisex. And who says smelling like hard work and dirt isn't for girls? This is Samhain's wet, cooler cousin. It kind of has a funny twinge initially - I think the leather is a smidge dominating for the first ten minutes before it settles in and figures out what to do. But once it's comfy being in the background, things get really good. This is what damp, spring soil smells like. That first chance you get once the ground is starting to thaw, and you've got a lot of work ahead of you. The best thing about Ploughman is that it's not a dirty dirt scent. It's more earthy than dirty, which... somehow makes it smell clean in a way because it's not cluttered with anything extra. Duration: Ploughman has about 5-6 solid hours of "cool damp soil" before slightly warming up a bit, bringing the early leather notes forward. I suppose after 5-6 hours working in the garden, I'd be warmed up too! It clings closely, so while someone might pick it up on you when they get all close and cuddly, it's not really going to waft around. Score: 5/5 (I bought a full size!) What I love about Ploughman is its authenticity. Sometimes I really miss being outside and getting my hands dirty in the garden, and I forget what it's like now that I spend so much time in a cubicle. I love how it's a versatile, unisex scent, and it fits a mood moreso than just a season. I highly recommend it.
Reddit: Was honestly excited for this because I grew up on a farm/huge gardens by the woods and love in that scent category. I get most dirt/dandelion. No carrot or tobacco whatsoever (unless the carrot blended into the dandy blend). Light leather which comes out more when dry, barely any musk. Definitely reminiscent of gardening outdoors in the spring, but not quite my jam. Too much straight dirt.